So Malibubarbie41 had to go to Cincy last night on business.....So that left just the guys to fend for themselves. As soon as J-Rod & the SNAKE got home from school we knocked out there homework then headed off to Ruby Tuesday's for an early dinner. As usual the boys ate everything in sight and then some. Especially the SNAKE. But the biggest surprise of the night was that the Victoria Secret Models were in town doing a "
Pretty In Pink" campaign and happened to be signing autographs for all the fans. Now for those of you who don't know, the SNAKE is very fond of the Victoria Secret Models so he went up to Adriana Lima(She's the one with her JUNK pointed towards Daddy J. Yes towards me. Snake asked her if they would all let me take a picture of them and with a very Happy & Inviting smile she said "YES Of Course!!!!!" Anyway these chicks were soooo cool it was hard for me to believe because of all there fame and fortune.
After I took their picture The SNAKE wanted me to bring them home with us but unfortunately Barbie wouldn't approve of these Shenanigans so I had to say NO.....Even though I would have been doing it for his good and not mine.
Seeing as I disappointed the boys by not bringing the models home(although I think the SNAKE got Adriana's digits...@ least I hope so, lol!!!) I decided to let them stay up until 10PM, pop some corn, watch Iron Man and then watch American Idol with the BRAIN.
All in all it was a GREAT Night and one I know the boys will not soon forget.